Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – April 2024

Hallo ihr Lieben,

dieses Wochenende, von 14 Uhr (CEST) am 13.4. bis 14 Uhr am 14.4., findet der Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon statt. Das letzte Mal, dass ich an einem Lesewochenende teilgenommen habe, ist schon ein bisschen her (2016!). Umso mehr freue ich mich nun auf diesen Readathon.

Hier möchte ich euch ein bisschen über meinen Fortschritt auf dem Laufenden halten. Los geht’s für mich mit den letzten rund 60 Seiten von Amerikas Gotteskrieger – Wie die Religiöse Rechte die Demokratie gefährdet von Annika Brockschmidt. Und mit der

April 2024 Opening Survey

1) What part of the world are you reading from today?
I’m currently reading in a town in Eastern Germany.

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
That is so hard to answer! I loved another book by Anja Jonuleit, so I’m quite excited for Kaiserwald. But I’ve heard a lot of good things about A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder as well and think I’ll enjoy that quite a lot. And I think Engelsleuchten by Nalini Singh will be a comfort read, sure to entertain me.

3) Which snacks are you most looking forward to?
I don’t actually have a snack pile. But I do have a chocolate easter bunny standing next to me and I’ll enjoy that 🙂

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I’m a student in law school (almost finished with that though) and 27 years old. I work part-time as a nanny and will have to work tomorrow, right after this readathon is finished. I read books both in English and German. Among my favourite authors are Ngaio Marsh, Alice Oseman and Rebecca Gablé. Also, I read next to no books by cis hetero white male authors.

5) What are your goals for this readathon?
To read a lot whilst enjoying the beautiful weather we currently have.

Amerikas Gotteskrieger war nach rund einer Stunde tatsächlich beendet und danach habe ich zu einem Krimi gegriffen: Die Schuld, die uns verfolgt von Thi Linh Nguyen und Alexander Oetker. Darin spielt wohl die Geschichte vietnamesischer Menschen in der DDR eine Rolle und darauf bin ich sehr gespannt – es ist ein Aspekt deutscher Geschichte, über den ich viel zu wenig weiß.

Die sechste von 24 Stunden ist vorbei und auch Die Schuld, die uns verfolgt ist ausgelesen. Über die Geschichte vietnamesischer Menschen ging es leider viel zu wenig und auch der Krimi konnte mich nicht unbedingt überzeugen. Weiter geht es für mich mit Engelsleuchten von Nalini Singh – und meinem Bett. Der Tag heute ging früh los und hielt einige Aufregung bereit, sodass ich jetzt fix und alle bin. Wir lesen uns morgen wieder!

Guten Morgen zusammen!
Ich war heute früh wach, aber nicht so früh, als dass ich den Half-Point Progress Report pünktlich zur zwölften Stunde hätte beantworten können. Daher gibt’s den mit etwas Verspätung jetzt:

1. How many books have you been reading? Have you finished any? Are you on track with respect to your readathon goals so far?
I’m currently reading book #3 but the first one had only about 60 pages left when the readathon started. I finished that and a second book. Since I don’t really have goals apart from „read a lot“ I can confidently say that I’m on track 🙂

2. Have you eaten real food today? (Not just junk food, ACTUAL HEALTHY FOOD) What was your favorite food or beverage so far?
I did eat real food, for tea yesterday I had pasta with vegan bolognese and some leftover mashed potatoes with peas and carrots. My favourite was the non-alcoholic beer-lemonade mix I had in the evening.

3. Have you been participating in any of the activities on our social media (sprints, photo challenges, discussion questions, BINGO, etc.)
No, since I have no Instragam or Twitter (I’ll never get used to it being called X).

4. Are you growing sleepy? Do you plan to nap, or stop early, or are you extending the readathon hours to include sleep?
I just woke up and am wide awake. I will not extend the readathon hours but I did include sleep since yesterday was quite exhausting. I’ll probably manage to finish book #3 and might even get started on #4 and that’s enough to make this a satisfying readathon.

5. Have you been outside yet today? Have you had much exercise (besides the heavy lifting required to hold your book)?
I have been outside. Once for an emergency doctor’s visit and I have spent a few hours reading on our balcony.

6. How is your readathon going, overall?
Overall, I’m quite happy with how it’s going. I’ve already read quite a lot and the readathon did exactly what I hoped it would do: give me a little push to put my phone to the side and just read.

Es sind noch drei Stunden bis zum Ende des readathon und ich habe mittlerweile gut dreiviertel meines dritten Buches gelesen. Ich denke, dass ich Engelsleuchten in der kommenden Stunde beenden und dann zu Buch #4, A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder von Holly Jackson, übergehen werde.

Engelsleuchten zu beenden hat doch etwas länger gedauert, als ich dachte. Für die letzten 75 Minuten des Readathon werde ich mich nun aber noch A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder widmen, bevor ich dann aber 14.30 Uhr arbeiten muss.

Die letzte Stunde bringt auch die

Closing Survey

1. How many books did you read during this readathon? Did you have any favorites?
I read two complete books and parts of two other. So far, Engelsleuchten by Nalini Singh was my favourites.

2. How many books did you finish?
I finished two books.

3. Did you accomplish your goals for this readathon?
Oh yes. I had fun reading and as I said: the readathon was the right push to put my phone aside and spend as much time as possible reading.

4. How did your snacks and meals work out? Are there things you would change about the food and beverages side of your readathon for next time?
I didn’t get any special snacks together for the readathon and my coiche for meals was dictated by my everyday life. Next time I do have to make sure I drink more but apart from that I think food and drinks worked out fine.

5. Did you enjoy this readathon? What was the most successful part of your readathon? What would you change for next time?
I did enjoy it! This was a lot of fun for me and the most successful part was reading two complete books. Apart from drinking more, I don’t think I have to change a lot for the next time.

6. Will you be continuing your readathon reading past the end of our official readathon?
No. As I said I’ll have to work soon after the readathon ends.

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